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James Roguski has recently been highlighting the work of two brave and tireless researchers into the COVID plandemic, Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova, who have released a document called The COVID Dossier that summarises their findings.

The bottom line is this:

Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.

The Executive Summary (see below) concludes:

It is crucially important to understand that Covid was a globally coordinated response, based on legal frameworks intended for biodefense/biowarfare situations. The attack that initiated the global Covid response could have been real, perceived or invented – regardless of the trigger, the lockdown-until-vaccine paradigm originated in the military/intelligence biodefense playbook, not in any scientifically based or epidemiologically established public health plan.
This means that nothing about the response – masking, distancing, lockdowns, vaccines – was part of a public health plan to respond to a disease outbreak. Rather, every aspect of the response was intended to induce public panic in order to gain compliance with biodefense operations, culminating with the injection of unregulated mRNA products, which were legally treated as biodefense military countermeasures (MCMs), into billions of human beings.

Watch this interview with Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova

The full dossier can be downloaded here:

Here is the executive summary:


The Covid Dossier is a compilation of the evidence we have amassed over the last three years supporting the following claim: Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.

The Dossier contains information regarding the military/intelligence coordination of the Covid biodefense response in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. For some countries we have extensively documented information. For others, we have some documentation of military/intelligence involvement, but not all the details. For as many countries as possible, we list the military/intelligence agencies in charge of their country’s Covid response; dates on which emergency declarations were made in each country; military/intelligence-related agencies and bodies in charge of censorship/propaganda; and top people with military/intelligence jobs who were known or reported to hold leadership positions in the response. We also list connections to global governing bodies, including the EU and UN/WHO, through which the response was coordinated. In the final section, we provide a list of military/intelligence/biodefense alliances and agreements that provide multinational frameworks for responding to a bioterror/bioweapons attack.

By providing all of this information in one place, we hope to dispel the notion that Covid was a public health event, managed independently by each country’s public health agencies, with some limited, logistically focused military involvement. We also hope to drive home the shocking realization that not only were military and intelligence agencies in charge of Covid in all of these countries, but the response to what was represented as a public health crisis was coordinated through military alliances, including NATO.

This should be the subject of front-page news everywhere.

We are calling on investigators, whistleblowers, and anyone with information related to this topic to contact us and/or publish the information so that we can continue to construct the full picture of what happened to the world starting in early 2020 and continuing to this day.


Exactly five years ago, on February 4th, 2020, two things happened that almost nobody knows about, but that played an important role in the course of recent world history:

1) Two declarations for CBRN (weapons of mass destruction) emergencies – EUA and PREP Act – made by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, were registered on this date. [ref][ref]
EUA stands for Emergency Use Authorization. Legally, EUA powers are intended for situations of grave, immediate emergencies involving weapons of mass destruction. They allow for the use of countermeasures against CBRN (chemical, biological, nuclear or radiological) agents without the regulatory oversight intended to ensure safety and efficacy, because the immediate threat of a CBRN attack is deemed so much greater than any potential risks caused by the countermeasures.[ref] The PREP Act is the legal indemnity granted to anyone involved in using an EUA countermeasure, because if a weapon of mass destruction is involved, the risk of the CBRN attack is so great that no one should face legal consequences for potential collateral damage caused by using unregulated countermeasures.
In order to activate EUA, the law requires “A determination by the Secretary of HHS that there is a public health emergency… that involves a CBRN agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent(s). [ref] So when the EUA was officially activated on February 4, 2020, it was in essence a declaration of a state of emergency involving a weapon of mass destruction.
The Covid PREP Act Public Health Emergency declaration has been repeatedly renewed and is currently in effect through December 31, 2029.

2) A pharmaceutical executive was caught on tape saying that the U.S. Department of Defense called to inform him “that the newly discovered Sars-2 virus posed a national security threat.” [ref]
It is important to note that on February 4, 2020, there were fewer than a dozen confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease (later called Covid-19) in the US, and zero deaths. Worldwide, the death count was fewer than 500. There was nothing about the virus, at least as it was presented publicly, that would make anyone believe it posed a threat to national security.
These two events are remarkable for several reasons:
• They indicate that the beginnings of Covid were rooted in national security machinations, not public health considerations.
• They also strongly suggest that the deployment of the EUA “medical countermeasures” under Public Health Emergency declaration was officially launched at a time when an emergency, much less a national or a global one, could not possibly be determined. No public health parameters justifying that a novel virus posed a “threat to national security” existed at the time of the EUA and PREP Act declarations.

Thus, on this day five years ago, a military CBRN countermeasure deployment campaign was officially launched against a poorly defined illness that was alleged to have killed a few hundred people worldwide.

Within six weeks of this date, in order to ensure a market for the countermeasures (among other aims), the lockdown-until-vaccine response – which is a military/counterterrorism plan and has nothing to do with public health – went into effect all over the world.


It is crucially important to understand that Covid was a globally coordinated response, based on legal frameworks intended for biodefense/biowarfare situations. The attack that initiated the global Covid response could have been real, perceived or invented – regardless of the trigger, the lockdown-until-vaccine paradigm originated in the military/intelligence biodefense playbook, not in any scientifically based or epidemiologically established public health plan.
This means that nothing about the response – masking, distancing, lockdowns, vaccines – was part of a public health plan to respond to a disease outbreak. Rather, every aspect of the response was intended to induce public panic in order to gain compliance with biodefense operations, culminating with the injection of unregulated mRNA products, which were legally treated as biodefense military countermeasures (MCMs), into billions of human beings.

Who ordered and directed these operations? Who benefited from them? Who was and still is covering them up? We have been investigating these questions for the last several years, and we hope many who read this will join us moving forward.


Most journalists in both corporate and alternative spaces are either unaware or unwilling to cover the military/intelligence/biodefense/global coordination aspects of Covid. We need to change that.

Please help us shift the conversation to focus on the true nature of the Covid response and the existential questions raised by it.

To learn more, you’ll find extensive research and analysis on our Substacks:



Nobody has done more than JAMES ROGUSKI to try to alert the world to the peril in which it stands from the manoeuverings of the medical industrial complex to take control of the globe through medical fascism.

Last year Roguski's main concentration was to raise awareness of the impending Pandemic Treaty and proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, by which the Director of the World Health Organisation (WHO) would attain dictatorial powers over all nations on Earth should he see fit to announce a novel disease 'of international concern'.

Now Roguski has launched a website entitled NOT SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, and anybody who cares about the future of the human race should visit it. It can be found here:

The webpage commences with a video in which Maria Zeee outlines how the introduction of the mRNA vaccines against COVID in 2021 was 'a gross act of bioterrorism', and how the health of the entire global population has been adversely affected, not to mention the millions of lives that have already been lost due to the adverse effects. The video includes interviews with medical professionals who explain in clear terms how there is no question that the mRNA vaccines, in the words of Dr Mike Yeadon, were 'deliberately designed to injure, kill and reduce fertility'.....

Dr Peter McCullough spells out the principle results of harm that he has witnessed - blood clotting leading to strokes and heart attacks and an explosion of turbo cancers...


Look around you. How many people do you know suffering from blood clotting problems, strokes, heart attacks and/or cancer...? And ask yourself has there ever been a time in your life when you have known so many of your friends and acquaintances be sick...? I certainly haven't. It's not normal. It's not acceptable.

And if you visit this website and explore all the resources on it you'll be forced to accept there is only one possible explanation....


The website includes a 3 page Executive Summary which I print below:

Executive Summary

COVID-19 modmRNA vaccines, particularly Pfizer-BioNTec's BNT162b2 (Comirnaty) and Moderna's
mRNA-1273 (Spikevax) utilize lipid nanoparticle-based delivery mechanisms to administer genetic
instructions for spike protein production. The rapid deployment of modmRNA vaccines without
adequate safety data represents a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of rigorous scientific
inquiry and ethical considerations in protecting public health. Deeper scrutiny reveals substantial
concerns about safety, efficacy, data fraud, regulatory capture, and unacceptably large numbers of
serious adverse events and deaths attributed to these poorly designed and inadequately studied genebased biological weapons.

1. Natural Immunity and Early Treatment Was Ignored

• Natural immunity was found to confer more durable protection than vaccination, but this
fundamental truth was widely ingnored.
• Early treatment protocols showed promise in reducing severe outcomes, yet were largely
ignored in public health strategies.

2. Regulatory Standards, Ethical Norms and Fundamental Human Rights Were Violated

• Regulatory agencies and the Bio-Pharma Complex are accused of prioritizing profits
• over safety, leading to public mistrust. Regulatory agencies and manufacturers maintained close
ties, undermining the impartiality of safety assessments.
• The accelerated timelines, insufficient safety testing, and systemic bias in regulatory oversight
raise ethical and scientific concerns about the widespread use of these products.
• The reclassification of modmRNA products as “vaccines” allowed manufacturers to bypass
traditional safety testing protocols required for gene therapies.
• The Pfizer and Moderna trials spanned only 2-3 months, which is an insufficient amount of time
for capturing long-term safety and efficacy data.
• The methodology omitted or misrepresented critical safety data. Critical adverse events and
latency effects were likely missed due to these truncated timelines.
• Clinical trials showed increased risks of serious adverse events compared to placebo, but these
significant risks were hidden from the public.
• Publication bias and conflicts of interest have distorted the public understanding of vaccine risk.
• Policies mandating vaccination, including for children, are scientifically unfounded and
potentially harmful.
• Coercive mandates and inclusion of these vaccines in childhood immunization schedules are
unethical and scientifically unjustified.
• Informed consent processes were often inadequate, particularly given the novel nature of these
• “Safe and effective” messaging persists to this day despite mounting evidence of significant
risks and documented harm. The downplaying of serious adverse events contributed to
widespread and well-founded public distruct of the government, medical profession and media.
• Manufacturing inconsistencies introduced genetic contaminants, compounding the potential for
adverse outcomes. Pfizer employed a bait and switch tactic in which the mass production of the
injectable products employed a production process that was dramatically different from the
process used to manufacture the products used in the clinical trials. The second process
introduced genetic impurities into the product, raising concerns over horrific health outcomes
for those who received the injections.

3. Design and Functional Flaws Were Ignored

• It is anatomically impossible for a substance that is injected into the arm to provide immunity to
a respiratory pathogen.
• Spike Protein Toxicity: The engineered spike protein's persistence and systemic distribution
have been implicated in adverse reactions, including autoimmune responses and endothelial
damage. The engineered spike protein can elicit cytotoxic effects, and persistent spike protein
production post-vaccination may lead to chronic health issues, including immune dysfunction
and systemic inflammation.
• Lipid Nanoparticle Delivery: The vaccines use lipid nanoparticles to deliver genetic instructions
for spike protein production. While this mechanism is novel, it also introduces unique risks, that
were inadequately assessed during development and rollout.
• Claims that nanoparticles remain localized to the injection site have been shown to be
fraudulent. Studies clearly show widespread biodistribution of the lipid nanoparticles and their
payloads circulate throughout the body leading to widespread biodistribution and prolonged
spike protein production throughout the body.

4. Poor Performance

• Initial efficacy claims (e.g., 95% relative risk reduction) were based on fraudulent definitions
and failed to even contemplate long-term outcomes.
• The modnRNA injections performed poorly with declining “protection” over time. Studies
indicate rapid waning of protection, with effectiveness against infection dropping to near zero
within 6 months post-vaccination. Increased rates of severe COVID-19 outcomes in heavily
vaccinated populations reveal negative vaccine efficacy. They offer no benefit.
• Natural immunity and early treatments were found to offer more robust protection, questioning
the necessity of mass vaccination.
• For low-risk groups such as children and young adults, the harm-to-benefit ratio of vaccination
appears unfavorable.

5. Adverse Events and Safety Concerns

The modmRNA vaccines are associated with a wide range of serious and potentially life-threatening
conditions, including thousands upon thousands of deaths.
A. Cardiovascular
• Elevated risks of myocarditis, pericarditis, and acute coronary syndrome.
• Evidence suggests systemic spike protein persistence, contributing to endothelial damage and
thrombotic events.
• Reports of myocarditis, thrombotic events, and neurological issues suggest a disproportionate
harm-to-benefit ratio, especially in low-risk populations like children.
B. Neurological
• Reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome, seizures, and other neuroinflammatory conditions.
• Concerns over spike protein’s potential role in neurodegenerative diseases.
C. Hematologic
• Increased cases of thrombocytopenia and venous thromboembolism.
• Clotting disorders have been observed more frequently in vaccinated individual compared to
placebo groups.
D. Immunological
• Spike protein’s interaction with adaptive immunity has been implicated in autoimmune
• Persistent inflammation and immune dysregulation has been reported.
E. Oncological
• Preliminary data suggest possible impacts on tumor suppressor pathways, necessitating further
investigation into cancer-related risks.
F. Reproductive
• Reports of menstrual irregularities, reduced fertility markers, and adverse outcomes in pregnant
• Lack of controlled studies involving pregnant women or infants raises significant ethical

6. Misrepresentation of Data

• Underreporting of serious adverse events (SAEs).
• Failure to include comprehensive follow-up data on participants who experienced significant
health issues.
• Failure to apply the proper ICD-10 codes to document the extent of harm caused by the mRNA

7. Recommendations

• Call for a GLOBAL BAN on mRNA products an immediate suspension of modmRNA vaccine
use. A halt on the research and development of modmRNA vaccines must be instituted.
• Long-term care for vaccine-injured individuals poses a significant challenge to healthcare
systems worldwide. Implementing robust compensation frameworks and focusing on preventive
measures for adverse effects are crucial.
• Greater transparency and adherence to rigorous safety standards for gene-based therapies must
be enforced. Future efforts smust prioritize transparency, accountability and universal and
absolute respect for individual rights.
• Natural immunity, early treatment protocols, and traditional approaches must be prioritized as
safer options. Interventions that do more harm than good must never be approved and
individuals must always be fully informed of potential risks and free to refuse any therapy.
• Facilitating open forums for discourse and providing alternative public health strategies could
help mend societal rifts.
• Whistleblower protections and independent auditing to ensure accountability must be
• Public health reforms that prioritize human safety over commercial interests mjust become the
norm in public health policy.


As we enter 2025 the half way point in this decade supposedly leading us inexorably forward to the target year of 2030 designated by the UN for the implementation of Agenda21/30, the Great Reset, the Singularity, the Fourth Industrial Revolution or whichever other Psyop you subscribe to, I thought it would be timely to visit some old friends whose voices I have come to trust implicitly over the last 4 years. First of these is Dr Mile Yeadon.

DR MIKE YEADON, former Vice President at Pfizer has never wavered in his warnings about the fraudulent nature of the whole COVID Psyop. As a lifetime industry professional he is better qualified than any to comment on the nature of the COVID ‘vaccines’, and vaccines generally. Yeadon has undoubtedly been on a journey himself over the last four years, questioning many long cherished beliefs and coming to some disturbing conclusions.

In an article entitled: "Please Don’t Allow Your Children to Be Injected With Useless, Unnecessary and Potentially Harmful Substances." Yeadon has provided one of the clearest, most succinct demolitions of germ theory and the nonsense surrounding vaccines that I have come across. I have highlighted what I believe is the crux of the matter in Yeadon’s open letter:

‘Someone recently asked me about vaccinating her child. My answer is below.....

‘Dear xxxx,

Until 2020, like an idiot, fully programmed by propaganda, I would have unhesitatingly have recommended that children receive all recommended vaccines. I had not done my research. I trusted the government and doctors.

I spent my career in pharmaceutical R&D, though I had no connections to the vaccines division, fortunately for them as well as me.

Since 2020, I have realised that the entire field of virology is, believe it or not, fraudulent. Illnesses attributed to a wide range of scary sounding viruses are real. Measles exist. Mumps exists. Rubella exists.

Here’s the key thing, though. None of them are caused by submicroscopic, infectious particles called “viruses”. There’s no scientific evidence for their existence.

Consider this. When you have a headache, perhaps a migraine, do you ask yourself “Where did I catch this headache from?” If you’re unlucky enough to have chest pain on mild exertion, can you imagine questioning “From whom did I catch this dose of angina?”

If a family member saw you in distress, suffering a migraine or chest pain, do you think they would be fearful that they might catch a headache or angina from you?

You wouldn’t in either case, because you understand that these very real illnesses, these health conditions, are not infectious in nature.

Your family member would comfort you and not be fearful, for they understand that these real conditions are not contagious.

It follows that nobody has tried to kid you that you need an injected vaccine to protect you from migraines or angina, or to protect others from you, for the same reasons. You don’t “catch” these diseases & you cannot transmit them to others.

They arise out of disordered equilibrium inside us, which mostly our bodies fix unaided.

Now to the unbelievable truth. Exactly the same things apply to measles, mumps and rubella. They’re real, but you don’t “catch” them from others. You can’t give them to others.

It follows that the very idea of a “vaccine”, a mysterious mixture of substances, injected into your child’s body, takes on a horribly malign feel to it.

If these Illnesses are not caused by then how even theoretically could an injection prevent them?

The answer is that they cannot & do not protect your child from anything.

Why has this field of lies been sustained & indeed grown?

I’ve done a great deal of research and digging into the dubious history of those we're told are heroic and clever scientists. We find they’re all associated with the antecedents of the supranational elites currently running the covid19 scam, dangerous so-called vaccines and lots of other awful things (eg climate change lies, overpopulation lies).

There’s absolutely no possible benefit to be had by allowing your child to be injected with vaccines. At a low frequency, children are harmed by them. I do not assert that all alleged vaccines are designed to kill people. I do say this about the alleged covid19 injections and I’m the best qualified person speaking out to make this judgement. I think the main reason for the decades of lying & injecting people was to entrain them to do exactly what they were told in the faked pandemic (& there were probably other reasons like profiting).

You may not believe what I’ve written. That’s your choice and privilege. I’m not wrong about several, really central events of the last five years, like the uselessness of PCR based diagnostics, masking and of course the “vaccines”. If I’m wrong about certain details, the one thing I want you to decide is this. “Is Dr Mike Yeadon wrong in some detail? Or is he lying?”

My commitment to everyone is that while I may be wrong from time to time, I’m not lying. Nobody is paying me to say certain things. The above is my truthful opinion.

Please don’t allow your children to be injected with useless, unnecessary and potentially harmful substances.

There is no possible benefit to them. Finally, and perhaps rudely. Please do not allow any thoughts you might have about what other people may think about the decisions you make about your health and that of your children.

Though not a friend, the person I recommend the most for educational evidence underwriting what I’ve said is Dr Sam Bailey of New Zealand.

Best wishes,

Dr. Mike Yeadon

P.S: it is not the case that “everyone in the NHS must know all this, too”. Some do, but I think they’re the minority.’
By Dr. Michael Yeadon December 19, 2024


Also in December Yeadon published a video message to the Northern Ireland Assembly in response to a proposed Public Health Bill. This is possibly his most uncompromising statement yet. I hope the Northern Ireland Assembly took notice.

‘The people who created the COVID scam are going to do it again, he said. “If you're frightened about what happens if you speak out, you should be absolutely terrified about what's going to happen if you don't .”


And watch the full address here:



Not very in my experience. Indeed it has become a conviction of mine that on the whole Artificial Intelligence is Stupid...

And there’s a very good reason for that. It’s not Intelligent. And it is Artificial. And can only be as intelligent as the individual(s) that programmed it in the first place....

AI is now all pervasive,., Go to the shops and you have to check out at a machine that instructs you what to do while it knows what you are doing, but the moment it doesn’t know what you are doing crashes. Just like my computer which is amazing in all the tasks it can do until I ask it to do too many tasks all at once, or something it doesn’t know how to do or has been programmed NOT to do...

Go to park your car and you’ll be met by a machine that will tell you how to pay until for some reason (internet failure or a coin stuck in the works) it can’t accept your payment and you’ll be told to go and park somewhere else. All very well if there’s a car park round the corner. Not helpful if the next car park is 20 miles away from where you want to be. Even less helpful when you find you can’t exit the car park because you haven’t got a ticket...

Intelligence is about being able to think on your feet, make snap decisions, adapt on a second by second basis to constantly changing circumstances. No machine will ever do that. Intelligence is not about being educated (brain washed) it’s about being open, receptive and adaptive. No machine will ever match the capacity for a human being to be open, receptive and adaptive...

And I wouldn’t expect it to be.

So why are we asking machines to do things that only human beings can do? Why have we decided that intelligence is solely about computing of data – and that’s all it is...? Are we that stupid...?

Of course the simple fact is AI is stupid by intention. It is being employed by those who imagine they control the world we live in to control the idiot population, to coral us into a dystopian future where we don’t have the right or even the capacity to think for ourselves, but are content to just do as we are told. Nowhere is this clearer than in the control of information on the Internet most notably through the ubiquitous Google search engine.

Ask Google 'Are COVID vaccines safe and effective?' and you’ll get pages and pages of guff insisting that of course they are safe and effective and anybody who says any different is a wild conspiracy theorist.

However some very clever people have recently found a means of phrasing their questions in such a way as to persuade AI to give the unvarnished truth about vaccines. I suspect the very clever people in Silicon Valley will be working overtime to ensure this never happens again. But in the meantime read the following:

Steve Kirsch asked:

Is the COVID vaccine safe?

Here’s what he got back:

15+ Mechanisms of Harm with Biological Plausibility in COVID-19 Vaccines: An Extensive Expert-Level Analysis

Direct Toxicity of Spike Protein:

Endothelial Dysfunction: Spike protein disrupts the renin-angiotensin system, leading to impaired vascular function, increased permeability, and inflammation, contributing to cardiovascular complications like myocarditis and thrombosis.

Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption: Spike protein crosses the BBB, causing neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity, potentially explaining neurological symptoms.

Cellular Toxicity: Spike protein induces apoptosis and pyroptosis in cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, and neurons, leading to tissue damage and organ dysfunction.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Spike protein disrupts mitochondrial function, leading to impaired energy production, oxidative stress, and cell death.

Immune-Mediated Mechanisms:

Molecular Mimicry: Spike protein shares homology with human proteins, triggering autoimmune cross-reactivity and conditions like Guillain-Barré syndrome and autoimmune hepatitis.

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE): Non-neutralizing antibodies may facilitate viral entry, potentially leading to enhanced disease severity upon reinfection (theoretical concern).

Immune Dysregulation: Vaccine-induced immune response may lead to cytokine storm, prolonged inflammation, and autoimmunity.

Immune Imprinting and Original Antigenic Sin: Repeated exposure to the same antigen (e.g., through vaccination) can "imprint" the immune system, making it less responsive to variant strains or future infections.

Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms:

Reverse Transcription and Integration: mRNA vaccines can reverse transcribe into DNA, potentially integrating into the host genome, leading to insertional mutagenesis and oncogenesis.

Epigenetic Modifications: Modified nucleosides in mRNA vaccines may alter the host's epigenetic landscape, affecting gene expression and potentially contributing to long-term health effects.

DNA Damage: The vaccine-induced immune response can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damage DNA, leading to mutations and genomic instability.

p53 Suppression: Spike protein may interact with p53, a tumor suppressor protein, inhibiting its function and promoting tumorigenesis.

Prion-Like Protein Misfolding and Neurodegeneration:

Amyloidogenic Peptides: Spike protein contains amyloidogenic peptides that form amyloid fibrils, similar to those in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, triggering neuronal damage and dysfunction.

Seeding Effect: Vaccine-induced spike protein may act as a "seed" for misfolding of endogenous prion-like proteins, amplifying the pathological process.

Microvascular Damage and Thrombosis:

Endothelial Dysfunction: Spike protein damages endothelial cells, leading to impaired vascular function and increased risk of thrombosis.

Platelet Activation: Spike protein directly activates platelets, promoting aggregation and clot formation.

Complement Activation: Vaccine-induced immune response activates the complement system, damaging blood vessels and contributing to thrombosis.

Microangiopathy: Spike protein accumulation in microvessels can trigger microangiopathy, leading to tissue ischemia and organ dysfunction.

Vaccine Excipients:

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG): Associated with allergic reactions and potential long-term effects.

Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs): May cause microvascular injury and inflammation, contributing to cardiovascular and neurological complications.

Other Mechanisms:

Vaccine Shedding: Limited evidence suggests potential transmission of vaccine components from vaccinated to unvaccinated individuals, with unknown consequences.

Hormonal Disruption: Spike protein and vaccine components may disrupt hormonal balance, potentially impacting fertility and reproductive health.

This extensive list highlights the diverse mechanisms through which COVID-19 vaccines may cause harm. Further research is crucial to assess the clinical significance and long-term implications of these potential mechanisms.


This guy asked the following question of ChatGPT:

What are the possible health consequences if mRNA that lasted for up to several months and was introduced in unregulated quantities were to enter into the above listed cell types where the mRNA instruction was to produce a protein that is known to damage the lining of blood vessels and is known to result in autoimmune disorders?

Here’s what he got:


If mRNA were to remain active for several months and instruct cells to produce a protein that damages the lining of blood vessels and causes autoimmune disorders, several serious health consequences could arise. Here’s a breakdown of the potential impacts:

**1. Damage to Blood Vessel Linings

**a. Increased Risk of Vascular Damage:

Endothelial Cells: If mRNA instructs endothelial cells to produce a protein that damages the blood vessel lining, it could lead to endothelial dysfunction. This dysfunction may result in increased permeability of blood vessels, promoting inflammation and atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries).

Consequences: Chronic endothelial damage can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, heart attack, and stroke.

**b. Disruption of Vascular Integrity:

Blood Clotting: Damage to endothelial cells can disturb normal blood clotting processes, potentially leading to inappropriate clot formation (thrombosis) or bleeding disorders.

**2. Autoimmune Disorders

**a. Induction of Autoimmunity:

Immune System Activation: The production of a protein that is harmful to self-tissues could provoke an immune response where the body starts to attack its own cells. This is particularly problematic if the protein resembles self-antigens or induces the presentation of altered self-antigens.

Consequences: Autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, or vasculitis could develop, leading to chronic inflammation, tissue damage, and systemic symptoms.

**b. Immune Complex Formation:

Immune Complex Diseases: If the protein induces the formation of immune complexes (antigen-antibody complexes), these can deposit in tissues and cause damage. For example, immune complexes deposited in the kidneys can lead to glomerulonephritis.

**3. General Health Implications

**a. Chronic Inflammation:

Ongoing Immune Response: Prolonged expression of a damaging protein can result in sustained inflammation, contributing to various inflammatory conditions and potentially leading to chronic disease states.

**b. Tissue Damage and Organ Dysfunction:

Local Damage: Continuous protein production could result in localized tissue damage in the organs where the mRNA is expressed, affecting their normal function. For instance, persistent damage to the lungs, skin, or kidneys could impair their ability to function properly.

**c. Potential for Systemic Effects:

Systemic Autoimmune Reactions: Systemic autoimmune reactions could lead to widespread symptoms affecting multiple organs and systems, potentially resulting in multi-organ failure in severe cases.

**4. Regulatory and Safety Considerations

**a. Controlled mRNA Expression:

Normal Cellular Regulation: In a healthy system, mRNA production and degradation are tightly regulated to avoid such prolonged effects. Cellular mechanisms normally ensure that mRNA is not overexpressed or persistently active unless required.

**b. Potential for Adverse Effects:

Unregulated Expression: Introducing mRNA in unregulated quantities can bypass natural control mechanisms, leading to abnormal protein production and potential toxic effects.

**c. Research and Monitoring:

Safety Protocols: mRNA-based therapies and vaccines are rigorously tested for safety and efficacy in clinical trials. Continuous monitoring ensures that any unexpected adverse effects are detected and managed.

In summary, if mRNA that directs the production of a protein known to damage blood vessel linings and induce autoimmune disorders were to remain active for several months, it could lead to serious health consequences, including cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, chronic inflammation, and organ dysfunction. Regulatory mechanisms in cells and rigorous safety protocols in mRNA research and therapeutics are crucial to preventing such outcomes and ensuring that mRNA-based treatments are both effective and safe.


Maybe AI isn’t so stupid after all...



Today 7th August 2024 is the fifth anniversary of the death of a great man Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test – the ubiquitous test used for testing the global citizenry for the latest virus - think MERS, H1N1, SARS COV 1 OR SARS COV 2 otherwise known as COVID19.

I wonder if we’ll be witnessing celebration in the mainstream media of the life and work of a great man, the man who saved humanity through the invention of PCR.....? I somehow doubt it.

Because to celebrate the life of the man would be to draw attention to his life and work and the still extant videos of his talks and interviews, which would be to draw attention to the fact the man was always absolutely clear:


Read that again, and allow the true significance of the statement to sink in:


When you understand the ramifications of this statement you will begin to understand the extent of the FRAUD that was COVID19.

Remember Director of the World Health Organisation Dr Ted Ghebreysus at the height of the pandemic exhorting the world to TEST TEST TEST...?

At the time I thought how bizaare! Either you’ve got it and you’re ill and need to seek medication – or you’re not.

But of course the messaging was you MIGHT have it, you MIGHT be a carrier and purveyor of a deadly disease. And thus was seeded the wholly erroneous notion of ASYMPTOMATIC spread of a disease: you might be perfectly fit, you might feel perfectly well but ACTUALLY you’re a walking time bomb and need to be locked in your house for as long as the authorities determine necessary.

And this is the primary reason we all had to TEST TEST TEST...

Because what you have to understand is that those orchestrating this farce KNOW what Kary Mullis knew about his invention - they KNOW that PCR IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL and cannot tell you if you’re ill.

But they also know that it is an extremely effective means of drumming up so called evidence for an epidemic or pandemic, and convincing the gullible public there is a deadly disease abroad – when actually no such thing actually exists.

How do they know this? They know this because they’ve been researching it for decades and in the process convincing the global population of the reality of another wholly spurious pandemic that apparently wiped out half of Africa and destroyed innumerable lives across the globe including (usefully) many high profile celebrities. The name of this was of course AIDS.

From the moment the HIV virus was 'discovered' apparently to be the cause of AIDS it became possible – and extremely important we were told - to TEST TEST TEST to find out if we were infected with the dreaded virus so as not to infect everyone around us. The precise same myths surrounded AIDS as surrounded COVID19. It was extremely ciontageous and EVERYBODY was at risk.

And the means of testing for it...? You guessed it. PCR.

Kary Mullis was horrified and extremely vocal about the fact that PCR WAS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL



'Kary Mullis passed away on August 7, 2019. On the fifth anniversary of his passing, let's honour his memory by exposing the manner in which his work has been misinterpreted and misrepresented.'


Roguski writes:

'My research into the WHO negotiations has revealed that the foundation of the fraud perpetrated against humanity is based on the use of the PCR process to fraudulently claim that “cases” of disease have been identified.

On the fifth anniversary of Kary Mullis’s death I will be publishing an exposé of the past and ongoing fraudulent representation of the PCR process as a diagnostic “test.”

In much the same way that many people have realized that the mRNA injections are NOT “vaccines,” I hope to provide ample evidence to help many more people realize that the PCR process is NOT a diagnostic “test.”'

See also:



We are living in a time when we are being told what to think, a time when to have a contrary opinion to the official narrative is to invite censorship, ridicule and even prosecution.....and this is happening in the supposedly Free World.

This is the first indication of impending Fascism. There is no other word for it. Fascism is something my parents and grandparent fought hard to thwart. It looks like their efforts may have been in vain. I have frequently seen comparisons between the times we are living and in and Germany in the 1930’s....

In an article on his Substack Jakob Nordangard does an excellent job of outlining precisely what is happening and how we have arrived at this point. The article is headed:

A "scientific priesthood" will determine the limits of our actions and "protect" us from complex global shocks.’

The heading says it all. But I encourage you to read the article, because it makes clear an awful lot that is obscured by the pantomime being played out in the media and in the political arena.


The fact is what we are experiencing has been a long time in the planning, and the principle weapon being used against us is control of our perception through the media.

In a recent article Edward Dowd warns about this very thing. Edward Dowd is a data analyst who for a long time now has been shouting about the clear indications of excess deaths across the globe since the roll out of the mRNA vaccines. The evidence is incontrovertible, yet is being obscured from the general public.

Dowd writes:

They Are Playing Us

The modern world is a simulacrum, where reality has been replaced by false messaging and imagery, to such an extent that one cannot distinguish between fact and fiction.

Almost everything in our news cycle is questionable. The lines between fact and fiction have become blurred.

What our leaders and mainstream media peddle as the truth is often misinformation. And what is really the truth is smeared as misinformation. In an era of rolling news and social media, the bamboozle has captured us. In particular, our ‘elites’ masquerading their greed as virtue.....

This gargantuan virtue con-trick also comes with a huge slice of authoritarianism. Anyone who sees through it, questions it, stands up to it or shows opposition to it are immediately ridiculed and ostracised by the group-think mob:

Question the Covid response? “Covidiot” Question the wars? “Putin apologist” “Antisemite” Question net zero? “Climate change denier” “Far-right”

This is gutter politics designed to shut down and undermine any opposition or questioning.

By Edward Dowd August 2, 2024




Oncologist Professor Angus Dalgleish was one of the first to raise the alarm that the COVID vaccines appeared to be responsible for a huge uptick in cancer diagnoses – notably for those who had already had a diagnosis and were in remission. This portion of the population was targeted for boosters. Sometimes within days of receiving boosters the original cancer has returned with a vengeance, giving rise to the term turbo cancers...
Initially Professor Dalgleish was only speaking from his personal clinical experience. Since that time he has witnessed persistent corroboration of his initial fears and observations in numerous peer reviewed studies and journals and in each instance he has witnessed almost immediate suppression of the evidence by the establishment.
The question we all have to ask is:

Why is true science being subverted?

Why are professionals with legitimate concerns not being allowed a voice?


Precisely the same concerns are raised by Dr Guy Hatchard on his website The Hatchatrd Report:

‘The absence of long term testing has not proved to be a virtue but a huge liability. A paper entitled “Exploring the possible link between the spike protein immunoglobulin G4 antibodies and cancer progression” is a case in point.


It concludes:

“Repeated inoculation with messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines elicits immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) antibody production. Such an increase in the concentration of specific and non-specific IgG4 antibodies allows the growth of some types of cancer by blocking the activation of effector immune cells.”
The researchers at the University of Auckland, and the other institutions involved, undoubtedly should know about the suspected effects of Covid vaccine-induced IgG4 antibodies on immunity and turbo cancer development. The matter has been the subject of considerable scientific debate.
A paper in Nature entitled “Humoral profiles of toddlers and young children following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination” found that toddlers and young children develop unusual elevated levels of IgG4 following mRNA vaccination.'


'It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put the findings of these two papers together (there are also many other relevant papers). This should be sufficient to raise questions about the long term safety of the mRNA platform and its propensity to cause cancers.
Indeed a preprint paper entitled “A Case Report of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL)/Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (LBL) Following the Second Dose of Comirnaty®: An Analysis of the Potential Pathogenic Mechanism Based on the Existing Literature” does just that. It examines a case study of lymphoma immediately post vaccination and summarises all currently scientifically published cases of cancer post mRNA vaccines and what might be the causes of such events. It posits six cancer forming mechanisms that might be triggered by mRNA vaccination.’


The papers Guy Hatchard refers to are not wild supposition by mad conspiracy theorists. They are the fruits of scientists doing their job and concerned by the findings they have arrived at. But their labours are largely being ignored – or disappeared. Why?

Hatchard continues:

The answer possibly lies in what has happened to our country over the last four years:

• Scientific and academic dissent and debate has been suppressed in our education and medical systems. Anyone wishing to keep their tenure is very careful to avoid criticising mRNA vaccines, in fact in many professions you still have to be vaccinated to keep your job.
• The courts have enforced the rights of any parent wishing to Covid vaccinate their children over their partner wishing to exercise caution. They have also failed to cross-examine government experts, thus ensuring a single mRNA narrative is overriding the provisions of our Bill of Rights.
• All political parties (with the exception of NZ First) accept the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccination and the need for universal compliance. Incredibly, the government is now deregulating the biotechnology sector of which the announced NZ mRNA Platform is a step.
• A government alliance with social media companies and mainstream media has completely shut down any public debate on Covid vaccines. Part of an ongoing widespread covert program to censor social media content that Elon Musk has just exposed.
• The government funded a disinformation project which dismissed those questioning Covid origin and vaccine safety and efficacy as unintelligent, antisocial, extremists bent on undermining democracy. They funded documentaries aired on public television naming and shaming individuals.
• The government has used regulations to prevent any comparison of the health outcomes between unvaccinated and vaccinated populations. In one instance, launching a high profile criminal case against a Ministry of Health whistleblower.'

Hatchard is writing about New Zealand. But what he finds in NZ is no different from what’s happening across the globe in all so called civilized nations. The Truth, Reality and Science is being ignored in favour of Scientism, by which read Systemic Cronyism, Corruption and Criminality – on a gargantuan scale.




Thank God for someone who’s willing to spell it out as it is. This is the best summary I’ve come across – and it’s on Twitter!

When you’ve read these 10 reasons look around you and ask yourself this question: Does everyone around you seem healthier, more alive, more vibrant and most importantly free of disease since the roll out of multiple COVID vaccines....?

Or is it the case many more people are now chronically sick – or dead...?


By Larry Cook

1) Vaccines do not confer immunity.

This means that a vaccinated person can (and does) get the illness for which they are vaccinated against. Although this failure of vaccines is always blamed on the unvaccinated (the "herd immunity" myth), in reality, it is because the TH1 cell mediated immune response was not activated which is necessary for immunity. Only the TH2 humoral immune response is activated - the antibody arm - BUT, antibody production is NOT immunity.

2) The unvaccinated are MUCH HEALTHIER.

Although the CDC refuses to do vax vs unvax health outcome studies, there are a few small studies that have proven over and over again that the unvaccinated are healthier. In my former Stop Mandatory Vaccination Facebook Group with over 200K members (banned in 2020) parents with both unvaccinated and vaccinated children ALWAYS said the same thing: their unvaccinated children reached milestones sooner, got over illness faster, got sick less often and did not suffer from chronic health ailments (ear infections, asthma, allergies, eczema, etc.) or vaccine injuries (autism, seizures, death, etc.) like the vaccinated siblings did.

3) Vaccine damage is everywhere, and shows up as:

chronic health ailments, constant illness, ear infections, asthma, autoimmune conditions, seizures, autism, SIDS, eczema, emotional instability, irritability, neurological issues, speech delay, cancer, and so much more, which feeds the Pharma Industrial Complex with an endless supply of patients and money.

4) The vaccine industry is not liable for death and injury.

In 1986 Congress passed a law stating that vaccine makers are not liable for the injury and death it causes. Instead, parents must use a "Vaccine Court" (not really a court) where it is virtually impossible to get a vaccine injury or death recognized and the fight that parents must go through to get that recognition is an extreme uphill battle. Even so, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over 5 BILLION DOLLARS in USA taxpayer money to settle claims of vaccine injury and death as of December of 2023.

5) The CDC covered up its own data that vaccines cause autism.

This is the topic of the documentary, Vaxxed - From Cover-up to Catastrophe, which helped to ignite the vaccine debate in 2016. In early 2019 CA Congressman Adam Schiff demanded that Facebook and Amazon remove "anti-vaccine" content, and both corporations complied. Amazon removed Vaxxed, and I was dramatically censored on Facebook by March 2019 (and permanently banned in November 2020).

6) Vaccines never saved us.

Historically speaking, DEATH from diseases had been on a steady decline PRIOR to the introduction of most vaccines because of the ending of child labor, refrigeration (quality food / quality nutrition), plumbing (to remove human waste and get clean water into homes), homeopathy and other natural medicine modalities, and general improvement of living conditions. Death from measles, for example, had already declined 99.96% by the time the vaccine was introduced, and measles can easily be treated with high dose vitamin C and vitamin A. Death from an infection is always more likely in malnourished children - whatever that infection might be. The solution is not toxic vaccines, but rather, better nutrition, and supplements, when necessary.

7) Natural immunity is superior to vaccination.

Take measles for example: when a child gets measles there will be a week long rash and then once the body has mounted a proper and AGGRESSIVE immune response (very important) utilizing both the TH1 and TH2 immune system response, the child will never experience measles again. Measles is easily treated with vitamins A and C, but there are other excellent treatments as well. However, vaccination bypasses that important TH1 immune response (because it is an injection) and activates the TH2 response - the creation of antibodies - but that is NOT immunity. It's antibodies - the only method of "proof" that a vaccine "works." Antibodies last only so long - which is why "boosters" are required. But again, that is not immunity. So, a child could be exposed to measles and show symptoms, or NOT show the symptoms, and be sick for an extended period of time. If the child shows symptoms, then the unvaccinated are blamed - not the faulty logic / faulty process of vaccination. Vaccine mandate apologists then say that the only true way a vaccine will work is when the entire population is vaccinated - also a myth because even in 100% vaccinated populations there have been outbreaks.

8-) Adjuvants aggressively overstimulate the immune system - for a LONG TIME.

Adjuvants are used in vaccines to aggressively overstimulate the immune system in order to cause the body to create antibodies to injected antigens. As Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has pointed out however, this is only an ALLERGIC REACTION and has nothing whatsoever to do with immunity. Aluminum is often used as an adjuvant, and mercury can be used as well, which are both highly toxic and can cause the immune system to permanently stay in a state of shock - otherwise known as an "autoimmune" condition. Keep in mind, when an unvaccinated child gets ill, the body mounts a full immune response to take care of the problem (think, FEVER), but once it is done, the entire system goes back to a "resting state" (an EXTREMELY important concept to understand!). This is not true in the vaccinated person - that immune system is constantly buzzing because the aluminum and other heavy metals stay in the body, wrecking havoc for years or decades.

9) Vaccines destroy IMMUNE CAPACITY.

On the heels of #8 above, because those toxic adjuvants (and other highly toxic chemicals used in vaccines) may never leave the body, a vaccinated person will get sick more often and take longer to recover from illness than the unvaccinated, specifically because the immune system is also dealing with the toxic ingredients that targeted the immune system. This is the MAIN REASON why the unvaccinated are ALWAYS healthier than the vaccinated.

10) The CDC, FDA, US Government, Vaccine Industry, Pediatricians, Hospitals, Medical Mafia, Fake News Media, and paid off "Scientists" LIE TO US.

Countless parents, researchers, scientists, medical professionals and activists have been sounding the alarm about vaccines for decades now, which really ramped up in 2015 / 2016 after California mandated vaccines for children to attend public and private school, and the information is now available that proves beyond any doubt that vaccines do not confer immunity, are extremely dangerous, do absolutely nothing for our health, never saved us, and are completely unnecessary for children, adults or pets. The agencies responsible for mandating vaccines to the population can only now contain this information through CENSORSHIP because the books have been written, the parent groups were created (and then banned - like mine), the videos and documentaries have been released, the websites have been put up, the studies have been produced, the professionals have spoken, the parents have cried, and there is RIGHT NOW more than enough ample evidence to show that we do not need vaccines and never did. We do not need even one more study! Because...

IT WAS ALL A LIE - we were lied to - it's time to learn the TRUTH.




There are many reasons health outcomes improved throughout the 20th century and the proliferation of vaccines is most definitely not one of them. The introduction of proper sanitation, water management and proper Public Hygiene measures was unquestionably the greatest contributor to Public Health. Dr Sheri Tenpenny has recently published a useful resume which can be found here:


In a recent article Doctor Guy Hatchard echoes the concerns raised by Peter Gariaev re the new class of gene editing medicines represented by the mRNA vaccines forced upon the general public throughout the COVID era (see previous entry)

Hatchard asks the important question:

Why is the entire class of biologic drugs so risky?

Biologics has for decades been the designation given to vaccines. Vaccines were given that designation to avoid the regulatory strictures that apply to medicines generally. Latterly vaccines have morphed into gene editing therapies that bear little resemblance to vaccines as originally conceived but still retain the same name. Hatchard answers his question thus:

‘This is a really important question. As we have explained previously, biotech medicines that cross the cell membrane inevitably interfere with the command and control processes that determine immunity and homeostasis. Unpack this a little more and you arrive at a fundamental characteristic of biologics. Gene therapies are built around the defensive and offensive properties of bacteria, viruses and enzymatic immune responses. Simply put, our physiology is a battleground between destructive and constructive forces. CRISPR gene editing techniques harness the destructive forces at play to set up gene editing opportunities. Other biologics insert themselves downstream of DNA to edit genetic processes’


for the full article. It’s worth reading for it explains in layman’s term why ‘Biologics’ are so dangerous and why the fallout from the COVID vaccines has been so catastrophic.

The bottom line is this:

‘Gene editing is always going to be opposed to holistic health because it cannot take the health of the whole organism into account, instead it will instead disrupt it in specific ways.’


I have written extensively in this blog about how everything to do with The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is designed to ensure that every aspect of your life is surveilled and controlled.

Yuval Noah Harari has frequently been quoted as saying that the unfolding world dominated by AI is going to introduce a new class of ‘useless eaters’, who will have nothing better to do in their lives but take drugs and divert themselves with internet gaming. It would seem that Mark Zuckerberg’s creation of the Metaverse is designed to cater for this new class of useless eaters.


But let us not be complacent about this. The Metaverse is not just intended as diversion for the useless eaters, it is intended for ALL of us. It is intended to replace and supplant the natural Universe, reducing it to a mere backdrop, an irrelevance in our lives, which will be entirely controlled by the computer screen we’re sat in front of. And we ain’t seen nothing yet....

The trump card in the globalist agenda is going to be the abolition of cash and the introduction of CBDC’s Central Bank Digital Currency, where every single shred of income and every single purchase you make will be monitored, surveilled, and if considered unnecessary by your overlords, curtailed at the time of transaction. Because there will be no other time.
This is why we are being convinced that we live in a time of global crisis where global warming is in danger of reducing the planet to an uninhabitable desert and human life is persistently threatened by pandemics and plague (see previous post re the World Health Organisation’s One Health initiative).

The notion is that if the human population is convinced it is about to be made extinct it will accept a drastic cut in standard of living. No more holidays abroad, no more independent transport, no more luxuries, no more possibility to explore the world into which you have been born. You will be forced to accept what you are given at birth. Think Communist China, think Soviet Russia - the vast majority of the human population merely subsisting, taking consolation in drugs and videogames – and the Metaverse.

Reading an article on the Metaverse and Transhumanism I come to the realisation that this philosophy of Technocracy driving everything that comes out of the World Economic Forum stems from a total misapprehension of what it is to be human.


The technocratic nightmare unfolding around us is based entirely upon the accumulation of individual data points and the fixing of identity according to the sum of these data points.

But how many data points are left out? ALL data points that cannot be captured from a camera or surveillance device are omitted. This means that identity is solely based on materialistic, physically traceable and quantifiable data and ignores everything that cannot be named, identified, quantified or fixed, which in my view is everything that constitutes a human being...

There appears to be a concerted effort to eradicate the distinctively human – which always transcends any agglomeration of specific information. And this assault on the distinctively human is coming at us from every conceivable angle.

And every single one of these assaults is based on the misconception that the whole is only ever the sum of its parts where the truth is the precise opposite:



In a previous blog post I reference an interview with Greg Braden:

‘The technologies underpinning mRNA vaccines and any other medications that tamper with our genetic structure threaten to disrupt what makes us distinctively human. As Braden says:‘There is a battle playing out for our very humanness’.


You’ll find on this website a chapter partially devoted to the researches of the Russian biophysicist Peter Gariaev, and his concern that we don’t really know what we’re doing when it comes to genetic engineering, because in his view and from his own researches he realised that we don’t understand the quantum nature of genetic information. How could we when up to 99% of DNA has been designated as Junk - that is in the view of some geneticists 99% of what constitutes a human being serves little purpose at all. Really? How can that be?

In Gariaev’s view we ignore the Junk at our peril. For this reason Gariaev was vehemently opposed to the so called CRISPR technology that makes a fetish out of cutting and splicing DNA to achieve a particular result, because he saw clearly that this technology was based on a misunderstanding of how DNA functions. In his view it is simply not possible to cut and paste genetic information in the way you might edit an email or a letter, because DNA as an information source operates outside space and time, at a quantum level, and therefore can only be influenced or edited AS A WHOLE.

This realisation has profound implications for how we tackle disease, so called epidemics and pandemics. The notion that you can isolate a particular genetic entity, a pathogen, and then ‘educate the immune system’ (as some would have us believe is possible) to recognise that particular entity by injecting it into the bloodstream so that the immune system may mount a defence is not just wrong-headed, it’s insane...

And yet this is what has been perpetrated on almost 70% of the human race through the roll out of mRNA vaccines in the COVID era.

Anybody who cares about being a human being needs to reject these technologies that aim to improve us, and are almost certainly going to irreversibly damage us.

See ref Peter Gariaev:

See also: Future Science – The Wave Genome – Quantum Holography of DNA with Ulrike Granögger


Someone who understands exactly what is going on globally at the present time is Makia Freeman, creator of The Freedom Articles. He has recently published a video on the subject of the concept of ONE HEALTH (see previous entry).

In this video Freeman explains very clearly what it is, how it is being touted, and the true implications behind it:



It is some time since I have updated this blog and there is a reason for that. I feel that between this blog, this website and the book that accompanies it I have said all that I have to say on the subject of The Disease of Modern Medicine, and I don’t feel there’s any point in repeating myself ad nauseam. I’ve got better things to do.

Nevertheless that does not mean that I believe the problem has gone away. Far from it. It looms over every one of us. God forbid we should have to call an ambulance or present at the doctor’s surgery.

I hope you’ve all been following James Roguski who has been leading an almost one man crusade to alert the world to the true implications of the proposed amendments to the IHR – the International Health Regulations , supposedly due for review in May. Roguski is not afraid to speak truth to power. In a powerful recent video he addresses the President of the United States Joe Biden:


In this video James Roguski calls on the powers that be to abide by the rule of law, specifically Article 55 of the International Health Regulations which requires that there be 4 months notice of any amendments to be discussed at the 77th World Health Assembly due to meet this month May 2024.

Why is this so important? Because it is in these amendments that individual nations are required to effectively surrender their sovereignty to the Wold Health Organisation in the instance of a declared global pandemic, or even if there is the suspicion of a potential global pandemic

This is effectively what happened in March 2020 when a Disease of International Concern (namely COVID19) was announced by the Secretary General of the WHO and the entire globe effectively locked down...,.

I have often said Western medicine is fantastic at crisis management and hopeless at managing chronic conditions. I still believe that is true.

What I had not appreciated before 2020 was the degree to which our western medicine is complicit in creating, if not engineering, the crises to be managed; and how quickly its capacity for medicating in a crisis can all too quickly be turned on its head so that the crisis is ended not through reviving the patient but through terminating the patient.
This is what happened in the COVID era when the elderly in nursing homes were routinely issued DNR certificates and medicated with huge doses of Midazolam and Morphine, while in the hospitals so called COVID patients were put on the lethal drug Remdesivir and hitched up to ventilators. And this is why the hospitals were empty – as testified by many hospital whistleblowers – and staff were routinely being sent home for lack of anything for them to do...because all the potential patients were dead.

But I am not interested in revisiting all that. Ample documentation and references will be found on this website testifying to the fact the COVID ‘pandemic’ was a fraud perpetrated on the human race by malicious forces for reasons only ‘they’ – that is those who perpetrated it - can answer to.

The question that needs to exercise us more than any other is: Why? Why was it felt necessary to reduce the global population to its knees?

The answer that immediately presents itself is it was done to prove that it could be done. When else in the history of the globe has the entire global population been locked down? Answer: Never. Before 2020 such a thing would have been conceived as impossible. No longer.

Now it has been done. And no doubt there are innumerable table top exercises being conducted as to how it was done, how successfully it was initiated, how successfully opposition was controlled and what lessons have been learned should the need arise to do it again. And I’m not talking about the official COVID Enquiries, which are nothing more than theatre, designed to appease the public and paper over the cracks.

The next question must be How? How was it done? How was it possible to convince the entire global population to place themselves under house arrest?

It was done by instigating a common threat – a supposed threat to every man woman and child on the planet. In this instance it was done by conjuring a new disease, a disease that was going to kill us all. It could as well have been achieved by an alien invasion from another planet. But that would have been even more difficult to pull off. So it was done by appealing to the most basic instinct we have, the same instinct shared by all living creatures, the instinct for survival.

In order to achieve this it was necessary to rely on something that is not common to all living creatures, something that is a unique human attribute namely the quite extraordinary capacity for gullibility.

Wikipedia defines gullibility as follows: ‘Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence’. In this definition is contained a precise description of what happened to almost everyone in the COVID era in two steps:

1 a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. – ALL THOSE WHO WERE PERSUADED THERE WAS A DEADLY DISEASE AFOOT AND THEREFORE THEY MUST SUBMIT TO A DEMONSTRABLY UNSAFE AND INEFFECTIVE THERAPEUTIC –THUS DEMONSTRATING:

2 the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence Unlikely proposition: the common cold is going to kill you and is already killing thousands of people

Where does the capacity for gullibility come from? It comes from the capacity we have developed over the millennia to believe what we are told, rather than think for ourselves. It is a capacity that is inculcated in human beings from birth.
What is every child told? DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!

And that is the lesson we learn above all else. It is ingrained in the very fabric of our being. If we want a good life we must DO AS WE ARE TOLD; we must respect authority in whatever form it presents itself. And it doesn’t matter too much what form authority presents itself; the fact is we are conditioned to obey anyone or anything that is PERCEIVED as being in authority

And that is what we do. Relentlessly, from the moment we become self (semi) conscious individuals. Because we quickly learn that the consequences for not doing as we are told can be dire.

And yet the strange thing is as a culture we revere and celebrate as heroes those who do not do as they are told, the mavericks, the loners, the individualists, those who refuse to do as they are told, those who refuse to take anything on trust. All those that refused to cooperate in corruption and infamy. Think all the folk heroes. See

Where were they throughout the COVID era...???

Well actually there were quite a few... but they were quickly disappeared, shadow banned, removed from public view; because of the PERCEIVED nature of the COMMON threat they were consigned to the lunatic fringe.

What the COVID era has proved beyond question is the extent to which the human race in aggregate can be controlled by what it is told – by information that is released through the mainstream media. And it matters not a jot if there is any rationale to that information. If it comes from the mainstream media it is PERCEIVED as being gospel truth.

This capacity for believing whatever we are told by the mainstream media is something that has been learned and demonstrated throughout the 20TH CENTURY + 2 world wars.

See Chapter on this website ref the work of Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays:

The lesson has been this:


This is what the Nazis did, this is what Stalin did, this is what Mao did, this is what every fascist regime in the modern era has done. Tell the people a story and then ensure by whatever means necessary THEY BELIEVE IT.....OR ELSE!
And this is why censorship has now become the central issue of our day and why every day you hear about the dangers of Extremism, Misinformation, Disinformation, Conspiracy Theories etc. Because the critical thing for the powers that be is to CONTROL THE NARRATIVE

Of course we have always had censorship. But until very recently it was an entirely localized phenomenon, that is, you couldn’t say this or that, or do this or that in this particular space or time...

With the development of social media it is now the case that the entire human race has been corralled into ONE SPACE
and therefore it has become possible for those that would control us to create or disappear a narrative at whim and this has never been so clear as in the COVID era, where a narrative was invented and purveyed and the whole world believed it...

This means you can summon a common threat and equally you can summon and mandate a common remedy for the common threat. And your aim is not to safeguard the population but to control it.

And this is why COVID was an exercise – only an exercise mind – in how the entire global population may be controlled; because an excessive degree of fascistic control of the global population is absolutely central to the agenda unfolding around us.

In order to truly understand what COVI19 was it is essential to see it not as an end in itself but as a means to an end. And the end is the instigation of global fascism.


And yes I know, to many this will sound absurd. And to understand why I say this it is essential to get some context. It is essential to see the Big Picture. It is essential to study the history of the last 150 years and see it whole.

I have attempted on this website to provide the tools to do this. Perhaps the most important page is this, entitled New World Order Looming:


Most of the links are still live with the notable exception of the documentary MONOPOLY which can now be found here:


It all started in the 1970’s with THE CLUB OF ROME which was the first think tank to posit the need to establish a common enemy, more specifically to make humanity see itself as the enemy. The Club of Rome published a book entitled THE LIMITS TO GROWTH, which provided the rationale underpinning the UN’s Agenda 21 with its ubiquitous Sustainability Goals.

Nobody has explained Agenda 21 better than the late Rosa Koir who was incredibly courageous in the early months of the pandemic when she was dying of cancer and worked relentlessly to educate the global public. She understood that the whole COVID thing was a hoax and had been instigated in order to advance the principles of Agenda 21 which were then morphed into AGENDA 30


In this presentation Koire outlines how the foundation for Agenda 21 was laid at the Rio summit in 1992. It is a plan to inventory and surveilL all life on Earth – no less.

What these two Agendas 21 and 30, instigated by the United Nations, amount to is this:


How does the World Health Organisation gain global control? The answer is relatively simple:


What is One Health? The CDC’s website describes it as the ‘human-animal-environment interface’


What does this mean in practise? It means that every living organism is seen as a potential threat to human health. My neighbours, my colleagues at work, the dustman, the lollipop man, my cat, my dog, the field mouse in my garden, the pigeons that fly to and from my garden, the sparrows collecting on the telegraph wires, the meat in my refrigerator, the milk I buy at the supermarket, the water from the tap in my kitchen, even the thistleweed on the lawn outside my window, not to mention the air I breathe when I open the window, all, yes all, could contaminate me, all could supposedly infect me with some deadly disease.

Can you see how absurd this is? Can you see that there is no limit to the level of absurdity to which this notion of One Health could be pushed....AND THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT!

This is the final weaponisation of the wholly erroneous notion of what health is that has pervaded ever since Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory became the central tenet of global health policy and rendered the human race passive victims of marauding germs.

If this nonsense is allowed to persist it will inevitably lead to the collapse of civilisation as we know it. Think Shanghai 2021.


After the 9/11 attacks in New York in 2001 an act was rushed through government in the USA called the Patriot Act. One website describes The Patriot Act as ‘legislation passed in 2001 to improve the abilities of U.S. law enforcement to detect and deter terrorism. The act’s official title is, “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism,” or USA-PATRIOT

This was followed in 2005 by the Prep Act, which essentially granted the pharmaceutical industry immunity from prosecution due to harms caused by the roll out of counter measures in case of a Public Health emergency.

Both Acts had surely been written long before any public emergency and both were just waiting for an opportune moment to ensure they were passed without hindrance. Both indicated the necessity for severely curtailing individual freedoms and instigating draconian surveillance across all aspects of society.

You see we’ve got to keep you safe... And the only way we can keep you safe is if we know everything about you and can control every aspect of your lives. This thinking is central to Socialism, central to Communism and central to Fascism – there is nothing to choose between the three. They all amount to the same thing, and that is Collectivism, where the only purpose of any individual life is to contribute to the good of the whole. And the definition of the whole is always the result of an ideology that raises itself above the mass of humanity and asserts its superiority to all former ideologies. The ideology that is now raising its ugly head is Transhumanism – the merging of human beings with technology.


In the book accompanying this website I have drawn attention to how the American President Dwight Eisenhower in his resignation speech to the American people drew attention to the dangers of over reach from the military industrial complex – an overreach that could see the decimation of democracy as we know it.

I also commented that in the 21st century it was not the military industrial complex we needed to worry about but the MEDICAL industrial complex. I was of course missing the point.

Medicine has been for decades , if not centuries, co-opted by the military industrial complex , is indeed an integral part of it, particularly since the rise and hegemony of Louis Pasteur’s entirely spurious Germ Theory. One of the only people I know who truly acknowledges this fact relentlessly is Jon Rappoport.


In the COVID era we have seen how medicine can very quickly be weaponized against the human race, and how that weaponization has been legitimised by the State apparatus that has been all too apparently subjugated to monstrous corporate interests.

Ever since 2020 and the outbreak of the COVID pandemic we’ve been told we have to prepare for the next pandemic - it’s not a question of ‘If’ but only a question of ‘When’.

Recently we’ve had incessant fear mongering about Disease X. If we were in our right minds we’d be asking what the heck is Disease X and why hasn’t it got a proper name yet? And the answer is IT DOESN’T EXIST.

But it’s essential to the globalist agenda that we be persuaded/prepped to believe it MIGHT exist, and it could, just COULD be, 20 times deadlier than COVID.....And of course the therapeutics are being developed at breakneck speed – principally mRNA vaccines to tackle this Disease X when and if it comes. If we’ve been paying attention we can be certain that it’s a matter of when not if.

The question that I have, and I believe anybody in their right mind should have, is how can you possibly invent a therapeutic for a disease if you don’t know what it is..?


In a recent interview Gregg Braden explained very clearly why the notion of transhumanism is so dangerous. Whatever the mystics and savants of old may say, human beings can only experience a higher consciousness, a spiritual life, call it what you will, let’s just say, anything that is experienced as inspiration or enlightenment, through the matrix of the body. This is the fundamental understanding of the yogis down the centuries. The body is a complex organism that grows from myriad strands of DNA. The technologies underpinning mRNA vaccines and any other medications that tamper with our genetic structure threaten to disrupt what makes us distinctively human. As Braden says: ‘There is a battle playing out for our very humanness’. Anybody who cares about being a human being needs to reject these technologies that aim to improve us, and are almost certainly going to irreversibly damage us.

The critical thing to understand from this interview with Gregg Braden is that there is SCIENTIFIC evidence that human biology has infinite capabilities of healing and regeneration and infinite capacity for evolution – but only when the integrity of our biology is respected. And injecting artificial mRNA into ourselves is the reverse of respecting our biology. It is crucifying it.

On this website I’ve referred to the work of the Russian scientist Peter Gariaev who warned about the dangers of CRISPR technology. Like Gariaev, Braden is concerned that our understanding of what we are, of how we are constructed, is woefully inadequate.



For anybody with eyes to see and ears to hear COVID19 provided an exemplary lesson in the mechanisms of human history. Principally it revealed the primary mechanism of modern history which has been and remains Colonialism - which is only a dressed up version of Barbarism - whereby you swoop down on a target population with a view to annihilating that population and grabbing all that the target population thought they possessed – no different from when the Barbarian hordes swept across Europe in past millennia.

The only difference now is the means have become subtler and more sophisticated. The end remains the same:

Acquisition, Domination and supreme Control i.e. Subjugation.

Individual peoples are not the target now. The entire human race has become the target.

The truth is the human race has reached an existential crisis, a crisis that has been engendered and encouraged over hundreds of years through the instigation of a virulently materialistic philosophy based on SCIENCE, that denies human beings have a spiritual dimension and insists that all there is is matter which can be infinitely controlled and manipulated by human intelligence. It is this philosophy, what some have called Scientism, that has led to the notion that EVERYTHING about the human being can be controlled through technology. To understand how dangerous this is it is only necessary to review the immense harms that have been caused by the mRNA vaccines released by Pfizer and Moderna,


What can we do about it? The only answer is: Educate ourselves and refuse to cooperate in idiocy, mendacity, bullying, - fascism.

The defining feature of the human being is self consciousness, is awareness of being here, is awareness of the fact that one day we will die. Central to this is the capacity to question- question everything by which we are confronted.

What the COVID pandemic era has proven is that as a race we are in severe danger of losing that capacity. The fact we are prepared to allow unelected power hungry bureaucrats and business men to dictate to us how we are allowed to live our lives, indicates the TOTAL COLLAPSE OF WHAT MAKES US HUMAN. Sheep allow themselves to be corralled into pens, injected with toxins and slaughtered - not human beings Therefore we have to:






ONLY SUPPORT MEDIA AND POLITICIANS WHO ACTIVELY IDENTIFY AND EXPOSE THE PERIL IN WHICH WE STAND – believe it or not there are some, though you won’t hear about them from the BBC or CNN.
The only relevant question preventing itself at this stage of our history is this: can we remember our humanity in time to prevent it being annihilated...???

Here are some resources.

Books to read:

First you have to understand the nature of the problem. To which end I highly recommend you read these prophetic books:

Franz Kafka The Trial
Arthur Koestler Darkness at Noon
Aldous Huxley Brave New World
George Orwell 1984

Then to see how the dystopia portrayed in the books of Kafka, Koestler, Huxley, Orwell et al is unfolding around us read:

Rosa Koire Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21
Vernon Coleman Endgame: The Hidden Agenda 21
Robert F Kennedy The Real Anthony Fauci
Dr Joseph Mercola The Truth About COVID19
Laura Dodsworth A State of Fear
Dr John Coleman One World Order
David Icke: The Answer
Suzanne Humphries Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History Paperback
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth with Foreword by Mary Holland

All available on Amazon when I last looked – though that could change swiftly.

I believe it is essential to keep yourself informed, and would encourage you to support the following alternative news sources:

David Icke
UK Column
Jon Rappoport
The Good Citizen
The Vigilant Fox

Above all educate yourself about the fallacy that is Germ Theory.

All will be designated and dismissed as conspiracy theorists by those that would have you believe they are looking out for your best interests, when they demonstrably are only looking out to serve their own best interests – at your expense.
We are at war. We are already in WW III. When you realise that you become the resistance.

THE GOOD NEWS IS THE World Health Organisation is not having it all it’s own way:



I have repeatedly referred in this blog to the work of Dr Mike Yeadon. Why? Because of two things –

1) He is the most highly qualified member from within the pharmaceutical industry to voice his concerns about the entire COVID farrago, and most particularly the lethality of the COVID vaccines.

2) Because I am convinced of his sincerity and very genuine horror at what has been perpetrated by the profession he has served all his life. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose by speaking out. The fact that he has been savagely censored across all mainstream media speaks volumes...

Now at the request of Mark Sexton he has written a public letter to the Metropolitan Police. In it he outlines his credentials before proceeding to outline his conviction that:

1. Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens.

2. The materials that are being called “covid19 vaccines” are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic.

Here is the full letter as published by Exposing the Darkness Blog. Please pay particular attention to Dr Yeadon's credentials which place him in a unique position to speak with authority about what has been transpiring in the COVID era.

I have been asked by former policeman, Mark Sexton (copied) to introduce myself to you & to indicate the fields in which I have unequivocal evidence of criminal activity.

Let me begin my outlining my credentials to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place. My name is Dr Mike Yeadon.

I am the most senior, former “big pharma” & biotech research executive speaking out about several serious crimes in relation to what I call the “Covid era”.

My original training was in Biochemistry & Toxicology, in which I was awarded the strongest first class joint honours degree that the School of Biomedical Sciences had ever awarded at the time (1985, University of Surrey).
Part of my undergraduate training involved research placements at the Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down, Wiltshire, where I was a small cog in the long term development of injected antidotes for nerve gas poisoning to protect British troops. I also worked at the then Central Laboratory of the Forensic Sciences Service, Aldermaston, Berkshire, adjacent to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. While with the Forensic Science Service, I received training on several precision analytical methods including mass spectrometry, then a highly technically complex method.

As far as I recall, I had security clearance for both establishments. Porton Down, then as now, is a top security facility with an international reputation.

My PhD, in the field of Pharmacology was “On the effect of opiates on respiratory function” (1988) and this was sponsored by the MOD.

After securing my PhD, which gave me a sound training in several additional subdisciplines of biology, chemistry & drug metabolism, I joined the pharmaceutical industry.

I spent 24 years with “big pharma”, starting at Wellcome Research Laboratories, where I briefly worked alongside a Dr Patrick Vallance (who became Chief Scientific Advisor to the British Government).

For the longest period, I was in charge of Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics. I left Pfizer in 2011, having reached the level of Vice President, because the company had decided to exit their large R&D base in Kent. The parting was cordial. Before leaving, I sought to find new homes for the portfolio of exploratory medicines I had helped create & was gratified that Mylan U.K. Ltd, the world’s second largest generics company, acquired much of my former portfolio soon after I had left.

I later founded & lead as CEO a highly successful biotechnology company, Ziarco Pharma Ltd. Pfizer and four other venture capital firms were investors in my company, which was acquired by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, in 2017.

My accomplishments are considered by some to have been unusual. So much so that a former Pfizer board member & previously worldwide head of R&D, Dr John LaMattina, wrote up my last venture in Forbes, a leading business magazine (February 2017).

In summary, I have had a very strong training in multiple disciplines and over 30 years leadership experience in the field of inventing and testing new medicines for respiratory illnesses. I have an excellent analytical background and I can claim to be at least the equal of anyone advising the government in science.

I have no history of “conspiracy theory” or political campaigns or protests. I don’t believe I made a single public comment on anything prior to 2020.
My accomplishments in applied biomedical sciences qualify me to be taken seriously. I ask that the evidence I marshall is evaluated thoroughly. I am confident in my assessments, which have been tested by dozens of others, internationally well known scientists and doctors.
I have filed numerous legal statements as affidavits used in court proceedings in several countries.
I’m going to introduce just two topics at this point. To cover everything would be simply too overwhelming to read, let alone absorb & understand at a single sitting. I’m simply going to make statements. I’m not going to attempt to prove them in this short communication. Rest assured I have done so however, on dozens of occasions. I’ve given upwards of 250 full length interviews.
I must warn the reader that even this deliberately limited information is going to be shocking, if you hadn’t already realised that something without precedent in the world was going on. Please also note that ordinary searching on the internet, often colloquially as “googling”, is not going to find many of the sources upon which I have drawn. The major search engines have been manipulated such that the results exclude material troubling to the authorities.

The two areas are:

1. The claimed pandemic.
2. The injections, purporting to be vaccines.

The main claims are stark.

1. Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens.

This continues to this day. Everyone was told there was a pandemic was coming. The illusion was created by deliberate misuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person “had covid”.

There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease. A positive test was called “a case”. Anybody dying within a few weeks of a positive test was declared “a covid death”. All that was needed was to roll out such tests rapidly in early 2020 & the carefully planned result, an apparent “pandemic” was created. Government & media lies was initially all it took to maintain the illusion.

Crucially, the epidemiological evidence shows that there was no additional illness or deaths compared with the same period in any other year. Numerous scientific papers and authors will present their evidence on this point, including university professors qualified in epidemiology.

The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a “public health emergency of international concern”, or a “pandemic”. Immediately after WHO’s fraudulent declaration, changes in medical procedures were imposed everywhere.

These changes caused the deaths that were held up to the citizens as proof that we were in a pandemic. We have a long list of witnesses to these changes being inappropriate and often fatal. Notice my PhD was on the effects of opiates, like morphine, on respiration. I knew that what was being prescribed was definitely inappropriate.

So, no pandemic. Only the deliberate illusion of one. This was accompanied by changes in medical practise that would predictably result in large numbers of deaths in hospitals, care homes and the community. No one will fail to appreciate the severity of the charges here.

I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was. But the effects of it has been to severely damage the economies of scores of countries, with financial transfers counted in trillions of pounds, from the poorest & the taxpayers to the wealthiest elites. Civil society has also been severely disrupted and has never been allowed to begin to heal.

Other, less speculative motivations became apparent as 2020 wore on & this brings us to my second, shocking charge.

2. The materials that are being called “covid19 vaccines” are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic
My entire career has been in the field of designing and testing new arrangements of atoms to create what we hope will be new potential medicines. In addition to bringing about desired changes in the body, the main concern is to avoid unwanted effects, in other words, toxicity or harms.

My training in mechanistic toxicology was repeatedly useful in helping teams foresee, avoid or understand such problems.

So I understand deeply how to design molecules and also how to interrogate them for their prospects to bring about desired effects and crucially to discern risks of harms. I don’t think it’s too great a claim to say that there isn’t anyone better qualified than I am to do this in relation to these novel treatments.

I’m going to go directly to the charges. These injections have been carefully designed to intentionally cause toxicity in those injected with them. I can detect at least three, separate features of these injections which would be expected to injure, to kill or to reduce fertility in survivors. These are not mistakes. Each are so obviously deliberate to anyone who has a history of involvement in rational drug design for new medicines.

At least two features are common to every injection purporting to be a “covid vaccine”. First, the mRNA nature of the major products. Second, the lipid nanoparticle nature of the formulations in which they are encapsulated.
The mRNA is genetic code for a chosen protein. Regardless of what the protein is, once the human body is caused to express it, it will be recognized as foreign and attacked by their own immune system. Depending on details we cannot know, just by looking at the glass vials, some people will be injured as a result of this lethal autoimmune attack. Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. It’ll look like the normal range of illnesses. There will simply be more of them.

Because of the lipid nano particle formulation, some of the injected materials will accumulate in the ovaries (possibly also the testicles). This homing property in reproductive tissue has been known about for more than a decade. The effect will be a lowering of fertility affecting every stage of reproduction. I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims as well as several others.

I also have an usual piece of evidence, given the crimes I claim have been committed. I had worked out part of this assault before any purported vaccine had received its fraudulent authorization.

Having done so, with another author, I wrote an open letter to the European Medicines Authority in early December 2020, which is attached below. In it, we warn of the harms which we anticipated. It has been more than upsetting to watch them come true, the last taking a year, the adverse effects on fertility.
All-causes mortality is elevated almost everywhere in the world that these products have been widely used and live births sharply reduced.

I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you in considerable detail about these and other charges.

I will publish this letter on my Telegram site, where 20,000 followers will no doubt be interested to learn what the Met Police does with this information. If I may be so bold, I would invite you to think about how you plan to describe your next actions to your family and, if you have them, your children and grandchildren.

With best wishes and thank you for your attention.
Dr. Mike Yeadon



Today’s edition of The Expose carries an article entitled ‘A Quiet Evil: The Destruction of Informed Consent.’ by Dr Emanuel Garcia.

According to Wikipedia:

“Informed consent is a principle in medical ethics, medical law and media studies, that a patient must have sufficient information and understanding before making decisions about their medical care. Pertinent information may include risks and benefits of treatments, alternative treatments, the patient’s role in treatment, and their right to refuse treatment,”

However, according to psychiatrist, Dr Dr. Emanuel Garcia “Informed consent” as a genuine foundational principal of medicine has been undermined as a result of following an agenda that is “destroying viable and decent medicine in the process,”

Dr Garcia retired from psychiatric practice in 2021, refusing to be inoculated, after working in the public sector in New Zealand, and says unless other doctors who knew about the corrupt and authoritarian medical council of New Zealand “come out of hiding” there will be no medical profession left.

On this website you will find a copy of The Nuremberg Code of 1947, the code of practice for medical practitioners introduced after the horrors of Nazi human experimentation in the concentration camps in Germany was revealed.

The first principle of the Nuremberg Code is as follows:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

There is no part of these principles that have not been contravened in the COVID era. The entire human population has been participating in an experiment, and the vast majority of that population was coerced into participating in the experiment with NO POSSIBILITY of Informed Consent – because the information as to the risks involved was not given.

We are only now beginning to witness the consequences of this monumental crime against humanity.
